Via ferratas in Andorra

Climbing a via ferrata is a way of getting in touch with the mountain, it is a practice between climbing and hiking. Enjoy the best via ferratas in Andorra safely with our mountain guides.

Andorra has 16 itineraries equipped with various levels of difficulty, both for beginners and for an advanced level. Via ferratas in Andorra are classified on a scale of 6, K1 easy, K2 not difficult, K3 somewhat difficult, K4 difficult, K5 very difficult, K6 extremely difficult.
Select your level from our proposals.

Types of via ferratas in Andorra

Initiation: Easy K1-K2

To get you started, we suggest 2 or 3-hour via ferrata routes, as well as easy progressions, as detailed below:

Via ferrata holes of the rough K1

In Cortals d’Encamp, it is a very well-equipped route, with easy progression, with a positive gradient of 70 meters at an altitude of about 2200 m.
On the Clots de L’Aspra route you will find stairs, chains, Tibetan bridges, it will be an easy progression in rock bordered by the black pine forest, you will enjoy a good view of the valley.

Via ferrata Canal de la Mora K2

In Canillo, the Canal de la mora via ferrata, as its name suggests, passes through a boxy canal, very easy, with two variants from which you will see very good views of the town of Canillo.
About 150 meters of progression that we can complement go up to the viewpoint by the edge.

Via ferrata Creu del Noral K2

The via ferrata Creu del Noral of difficulty K2, in Ordino, in the forest of Segudet, next to the ravine of the same name. You will enjoy magnificent views of Ordino, 150 m of elevation gain with vertical sections at the beginning, and sections of chains to culminate.

Minimum 2 people
€44 per person
More than 5 people: Check price.

Intermediate level: K2-K3

If you have already started on via ferrata and want to discover new sensations, we offer you these mid-level routes.

Via ferrata St. Vicents d'Enclar K2

The via ferrata St. Vicents d’Enclar brings us closer to the Hermitage of St. Vicents d’Enclar, from the medieval period, 12th century. In addition to enjoying the magnificent views of Andorra la Vella. Of intense ascent, it is very well equipped with chains, and vertical steps. They are 170m of difference of level to enjoy the surroundings.

Via ferrata Roc de la coma d'Erts K3

The via ferrata Roc de la coma d’Erts with steps both horizontal and vertical, well equipped, with some aerial steps and very good views of the village of Erts in 200 m of elevation gain.

Via Ferrada del Roc del Quer K3

The Via Ferrada del Roc del Quer or very direct, with more than 300m of vertical drop, is very interesting for the height and the aerial steps, it is better not to have vertigo. It is a classic, and a highly recommended experience.

Minimum 2 people
€ 48 for person
More than 5 people: Check price.

Difficult: K3-K4

If you already have some experience and want to venture on long journeys; to complete the day, we propose the following.

B3 d'Envalira via ferrata K3

The Bony d’Envalira via ferrata is a very alpine via ferrata, which surprises with its height with a peak of 2664m, and stunning views of Montmalús, the glacial circuses of Colells and Pessons. 360º of exceptional panoramic. Technically not too difficult, but in some sections you have to progress with your hands and feet directly on the rock to have the steps separated. They are small climbing sections IIIº.

Via Ferrada Roc d'Esquers K3

In Engolasters, the Via Ferrada Roc d’Esquers is the longest in Andorra with a distance of 530 m and a 250 m drop, bordered by forest, with medium difficulty, more for the three hours of the route than for the technical difficulty. Nepalese bridges, chains, is very complete with views of Escaldes, and return through the Madriu valley, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Via Ferrada de Racons and Canal del Grau K4

The Ferrades de Racons and Canal del Grau routes are two routes in a row with 200 + 90m of accumulated elevation gain, difficult due to the collapsed steps and areas without many steps, but this makes it more spectacular. Bridges, chains and more, with exceptional views of Canillo and Meritxell.

Minimum 2 people
€68 per person
More than 5 people: Check price.

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And read activity booking conditions here.

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